Automation Archive

Simulating Browser Zoom Controls with Selenium

Though such scenarios are not common in automation activities, you may encounter need to simulate browser

Better TestNG Reports with ATU Reporter

TestNG has decent reporting capability in terms of its in-built reports. But for some purpose, they

Selenium Tooltip Mouseover Example

Tooltip is de facto standard nowadays for information sharing in web pages. In Selenium automation activities,

Selenium WebDriver Read PDF Content

In test automation activities, we may encounter scenario when we have to verify PDF content. In

Record Selenium Test Video

It is important for automation tester to verify that his/her scripts are working fine. One way

Web Page Scroll Selenium WebDriver Example

One of the frequently appearing scenarios in test automation activities is scrolling a web page. We

Selenium IDE glob Example for Pattern Matching

In Unix environments, ‘glob’ is referred to pattern matching using wildcard characters. As it is simpler

Implementing Selenium IDE Data Driven Testing

During test automation activities in our projects, we often come across a requirement to make our

Comprehensive list of Selenium blogs

Blogs are important resources to learn about Selenium and WebDriver related stuff. However, it may be

Installing TestNG in Eclipse

TestNG is a test framework which provides more flexibility and functionality as compared to JUnit. It