Performance Archive

JMeter Exceeded Maximum Number of Redirects Error Solution

While running performance test, JMeter allows maximum 5 redirects by default. However, if your system demands

Record Script in JMeter: Step-by-step Guide

We receive many emails from our readers asking us how to record performance test script in

A Tutorial to Send Email using JMeter

Sending email is a mundane activity in any professional’s life. It’s a common medium for communication

Tips to Counter JMeter Out of Memory Error

Often while running load test with too many users, JMeter may experience out of memory error. Reasons

JMeter CSS/JQuery Extractor Example

Since version 2.9, JMeter has provided an option to extract value using CSS/JQuery Extractor post-processor. This

SSO with SAML login scenario in JMeter

SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language) is increasingly being used to perform single sign-on(SSO) operations. As WikiPedia puts

JMeter in Command Line Mode: A Detailed Guide

JMeter is a performance testing tool which provides an option to run performance test in Non-GUI