Difference Between Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects in JMeter


In this post, we will highlight important difference between Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects options. These options are found in HTTP Request sampler of JMeter. Knowing the difference will help you decide your performance test strategy.Difference between Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects

When you check Redirect Automatically option, JMeter will not consider redirect as separate HTTP request. This in turn may result as lower response time in your overall performance test.

Whereas Follow Redirect option will consider each redirection as separate requests. This may result in comparatively higher response time. This only has any effect if “Redirect Automatically” is not enabled.

To see the difference between these two, record a sample script and run it by checking Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects option. The second option will generate more requests in your result listener.

As you can see from the above post, knowing the difference between Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects option makes difference in your performance test. You should derive your performance test strategy keeping this difference in mind.


  1. david
    • Okesh

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