Remote Testing Mobile Apps using Samsung Remote Test Lab

Samsung has developed a service called Remote Test Lab which helps in remote testing of mobile apps. This

10 Software Testing Quotes Every Software Tester Would Relate to

Software testing is an art. And to excel in this art, one has to seek an

Debug Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter

Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter is used to fetch values from source code and use it in

ISTQB Questions for Foundation Level: Part 3

This article is a continuation of our ISTQB preparation series. As always we have listed out

Take Screenshot in Appium with this Simple Code

Screenshots serves an important role of acting as an evidence of any tests performed. Therefore screenshot capture

Setup Sikuli on Windows Platform

Sikuli is an interesting tool which is useful for automating both desktop and web applications. Given

Test Driven Development: A Detailed Guide

Software industry is always on a look out for new ways to produce quality software. Over

5 Mobile Testing EBooks for Free Download

Mobile testing is making leaps and bounds of progress in overall testing space. As this field is highly

JMeter MySQL Load Testing Example

Although JMeter is mostly used for web application load testing, it has immense capability to deal

Introduction to Sikuli: A GUI Automation Tool

Sikuli is an interesting tool which can appeal to both novice and seasoned automation professionals. It automates