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Software Testing Podcasts Every Tester Should Follow

Apart from books and blogs, podcasts are another way testers can improve their testing skills. In

9 Ways to Deal with 9 Causes of Bugs in the Software

Unfortunately, bugs are unsolicited parts of every software release cycle. While identifying bugs in itself is

State of Testing Survey 2016 Highlights

Each year, folks over at PractiTest and Tea Time with Testers conducts a survey of software

Some Vulnerable Web Applications to Practice Security Testing

There are many ways for a tester to improve his testing skills. But nothing beats an

State of Testing Survey 2015

If you have been following testing community lately, you must have known about State of Testing

5 Software Testing Infographics Worth Checking Out

Infographic is a nice way to illustrate complex concepts visually. It can also be useful as

10 Software Testing Quotes Every Software Tester Would Relate to

Software testing is an art. And to excel in this art, one has to seek an

Test Driven Development: A Detailed Guide

Software industry is always on a look out for new ways to produce quality software. Over

Software QA Terminology: Defect Density

As part of our Software QA Terminology series, we are exploring defect density term in this

Software QA Terminology: Soak Testing

It’s good to see so good reaction to our Software QA Terminology series. In continuation to